TM Web


Listings by categories →

January 2023

• 07  -  Risk analysis of 2023   -   categories: miscellanea , tags:

January 2021

• 15  -  Risk analysis of 2021   -   categories: miscellanea , tags:

August 2020

• 01  -  History of the Gartner top 10 strategic technology trends 2007 - 2020   -   categories: miscellanea , tags:

March 2020

• 30  -  Turbofan Engine Degradation Simulation Data Set - IX   -   categories: AI , tags: Regression

• 29  -  Turbofan Engine Degradation Simulation Data Set - VIII   -   categories: AI , tags: Regression

• 29  -  Turbofan Engine Degradation Simulation Data Set - VII   -   categories: AI , tags: Regression

• 22  -  Turbofan Engine Degradation Simulation Data Set - VI   -   categories: AI , tags: Regression

• 22  -  Turbofan Engine Degradation Simulation Data Set - V   -   categories: AI , tags: Regression

• 22  -  Turbofan Engine Degradation Simulation Data Set - IV   -   categories: AI , tags: Regression

• 22  -  Turbofan Engine Degradation Simulation Data Set - III   -   categories: AI , tags: Regression

• 22  -  Turbofan Engine Degradation Simulation Data Set - II   -   categories: AI , tags: Regression

• 22  -  Turbofan Engine Degradation Simulation Data Set - I   -   categories: AI , tags: Regression

January 2020

• 11  -  Risk analysis of 2020   -   categories: miscellanea , tags:

• 01  -  Happy New Year   -   categories: miscellanea , tags:

September 2019

• 23  -  The 2019 Hype Cycle   -   categories: AI , tags:

April 2019

• 13  -  Kaggle - House Prices - Advanced Regression Techniques   -   categories: Kaggle , tags: Regression

• 04  -  Bayesian with outliers   -   categories: Kaggle , tags: Regression - MCMC

• 03  -  Red Wine Quality   -   categories: Kaggle , tags: Classification

March 2019

• 31  -  Energy consumption in the Netherlands - III   -   categories: Kaggle , tags: Statistics - MCMC

• 30  -  Energy consumption in the Netherlands - II   -   categories: Kaggle , tags: Statistics

• 29  -  Energy consumption in the Netherlands   -   categories: Kaggle , tags: GIS

• 27  -  Japanese language processing with MeCab   -   categories: NLP , tags: MeCab

• 25  -  Time series choropleth map with Folium   -   categories: GIS , tags: Folium

• 24  -  Visualisation with GeoViews / GeoViews を用いた可視化   -   categories: GIS , tags: GeoViews

• 22  -  Visualisation of Shapefile, OpenStreetMap data   -   categories: GIS , tags: OSM

• 18  -  Twin Delayed DDPG (TD3)   -   categories: AI , tags: RL - Gym - Keras

• 17  -  RL in discrete action space / 強化学習 - 離散化された行動空間 -   -   categories: AI , tags: RL - Gym - Keras

• 06  -  Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient / DDPG   -   categories: AI , tags: RL - Gym - Keras

• 04  -  Reinforcement Learning / 強化学習   -   categories: AI , tags: RL - Gym - Keras

• 03  -  Object Recognition - Segmentation / 物体認識 - セグメンテーション   -   categories: AI , tags: CNN - Yolo - Mask R-CNN

• 02  -  Data Augmentation / データ拡張   -   categories: AI , tags: CNN - Keras

• 01  -  KMNIST / くずし字認識   -   categories: AI , tags: CNN - Keras

February 2019

• 28  -  ConvNet / 畳み込みニューラルネットワーク   -   categories: AI , tags: CNN

• 27  -  XOR を NN を用いて実装する   -   categories: AI , tags: MLP - Keras

• 26  -  Neural Network / ニューラル・ネットワーク   -   categories: AI , tags:

• 25  -  Artificial Intelligence / 人工知能   -   categories: AI , tags:

• 24  -  ようこそ   -   categories: jekyll , tags:

• 23  -  Welcome to Jekyll!   -   categories: jekyll , tags: