As usual, analyses of top risks of the year have been published by various institutes. “G-Zero world”, coined by Eurasia Group in 2011 is becoming more real, observing conflicts and rivalry among authoritaritan and democratic nations, Islam, Christianity and so on.

Here is the top risks of the year picked up by Eurasia Group and a Japanese think tank as food for thought.

Euraisa Group:

  1. Rigged!: Who governs the US?
  2. The Great Decoupling
  3. US/China
  4. MNCs not to the rescue
  5. India gets Modi-fied
  6. Geopolitical Europe
  7. Politics vs. economics of climate change
  8. Shia Crescendo
  9. Discontent in Latin America
  10. Turkey
    Red Herrings
    • The new axis of evil
    • Populist policies in the developed world
    • Post-Brexit

PHP Research Institute

  1. トランプ「再選ファースト」外交で揺らぐ米国の同盟関係
  2. 高まる圧力に強硬姿勢で応じる習近平政権
  3. ドル覇権に挑戦する中国デジタル通貨
  4. ビッグディール・サイクルに振り回される朝鮮半島
  5. 大国間競争激化の中で中露は「同盟的な関係」へ
  6. イラン「増長」で動揺する中東親米陣営の「暴発」
  7. 「低金利の宴」長期化が引き起こす債務バブル
  8. 国家支援を受けたサイバー攻撃の活性化と多様化
  9. 激甚災害多発で政治化する環境問題
  10. 宇宙システムの信頼性を低下させる妨害事象の頻発

Fragmenting Europe with increasing Muslim influence, Chinese military expansion in East/South China sea, non-scientific enthusiasms on global climate change, “axis of evil” including Iran, North Korea, Venezuela, Syria etc. will have impact on Japan as well but the media and the diet are making much ado about nothing, like an ostrich burying its head in the sand.

Need to focus on information that matters. Technologies will be important to keep advantage, as always.


the risks shown here by PHP Research Institute was for 2019. Updated by 2020 version but no English translation from the institute yet.