As usual, analyses of top risks of the year have been published by various institutes. Here is the top risks of the year picked up by Eurasia Group and a Japanese think tank as food for thought.

Euraisa Group:

  1. Rogue Russia
  2. Maximum Xi
  3. Weapons of mass disruption
  4. Inflation shockwaves
  5. Iran in a corner
  6. Energy crunch
  7. Arrested global development
  8. Divided States of America
  9. Tik Tok boom
  10. Water stress Red Herrings
    • Cracks in support for Ukraine
    • EU political dysfunction
    • Taiwan crisis

PHP Research Institute:

  1. 国際秩序再編で撹乱要因となる「弱りゆくロシア」
  2. 米露影響力低下で再編進む中東秩序と取り残される日本
  3. 対露エネルギー制裁で深まる三重の分断
  4. 低インフレと超金融緩和の終焉がもたらす世界マネー動乱
  5. 再び露呈する核抑止パラドックス
  6. 中国がロシア・北朝鮮と引き起こす同時多発的な緊張の高まり
  7. 振れ幅大きい米国(Volatile America)に振り回される世界
  8. 新冷戦で崩壊する中露依存の欧州成長モデル
  9. 現実世界に直接的な影響を与え始めるサイバー脅威
  10. 繰り返される「見落としリスク」

Here is the top technology developments expected in 2021 from IEEE.

  • Can This Company Dominate Green Hydrogen?
  • An Airship Resurgence
  • A New Way to Speed Up Computing
  • The Personal-Use eVTOL Is (Almost) Here
  • Baidu Will Make an Autonomous EV
  • China Builds New Breeder Reactors
  • Economics Drives a Ray-Gun Resurgence
  • A Cryptocurrency for the Masses or a Universal ID?
  • IBM’s Quantum Leap
  • Arthritis Gets a Jolt
  • Smartphones Become Satphones
  • Exascale Comes to Europe

Tech Trends 2023 | Deloitte Insights

  • Through the glass: Immersive internet for the enterprise
  • Opening up to AI: Learning to trust our AI colleagues
  • Above the clouds: Taming multicloud chaos
  • Flexibility, the best ability: Reimagining the tech workforce
  • In us we trust: Decentralized architectures and ecosystems
  • Connect and extend: Mainframe modernization hits its stride

Gartner Top 10 Strategic Technology Trends for 2023

  1. Digital Immune System
  2. Applied Observability
  3. AI Trust, Risk and Security Management (AI TRISM)
  4. Industry Cloud Platforms
  5. Platform Engineering
  6. Wireless-Value Realization
  7. Superapps
  8. Adaptive AI
  9. Metaverse
  10. Sustainable Technology

The Top 10 Tech Trends In 2023 Everyone Must Be Ready For | Forbes

  1. AI Everywhere
  2. Parts of the Metaverse Will Become Real
  3. Progress in Web3
  4. Bridging the Digital and Physical World
  5. Increasingly Editable Nature
  6. Quantum Progress
  7. Progress in Green Technology
  8. Robots Will Become More Human
  9. Progress in Autonomous System
  10. More Sustainable Technology